Será mesmo correcto?
O acordo de bons modos a que nos sujeitamos dia a dia..
Serão mesmo as verdades?
Os ensinamentos que nos são transmitidos...
Receio ceder á Menina.
Á doce simpatia!
Onde parece tão fácil me refugiar.
Reflicto sobre as consequências,
apesar de se assimilarem distantes!
E agora?
Onde afogarei minhas aflições?
As que adquiri na demanda pela doce simpatia..
Mas no final deste circo de etiquetas,
apenas algo me resta, pouco ou nada?
Deliberei minhas preferências.
E ansiei certas conclusões..
Prefiro a Honestidade segura que a simpatia Recruta!
Feb 25, 2010
Posted by A Walking Disaster at 1:23 PM 0 comments
Feb 21, 2010
White Thorns..
As i lay down,forcing myself to strive
cloning the emotion over and over again
as i turn my heart to ashes
spelling your hate
and turning myself inside
where i feel safe
i don't mind
of getting alone again
that's what i always say..
but not what i always feel..
i guess..
thinking about suffer...
its worse than the pain...
so ill ask you...
maybe beg...
stab me with white thorns...
so i can feel the pure pain..
and lastly feel alive...
Posted by A Walking Disaster at 9:37 AM 0 comments
Feb 19, 2010
Para mim, existem dois tipos de vencedor...
Os sobreviventes.
E os que morrem no leito da tentativa....
selma ponte
Posted by A Walking Disaster at 7:19 AM 2 comments
Por entre as sebes do meu ser
encontrei um recanto
um novo silvar
Condenado pela amargura
Esventrado de aflições
Mas não livre das cárceres
Aquelas a que não nos subordinámos
Nem tão pouco ansiámos
mas mesmo assim
lá nos encontramos
desnudados da paixão
Rebeldes nos uivos da noite
que por nós aclamam
pelo melhor..
O indefinido!
Sempre prevalecerão,
ás raízes que desconhecemos,
ás que mais tememos.
Pois nelas se encontram
os confins do meu ser
E por ai vagueia
A minha fraca e subtil esperança...
Posted by A Walking Disaster at 6:51 AM 1 comments
Feb 15, 2010
Like A God Damn Soap...
I can say that i spend enough time trying to understand what is happiness...
a lot of time...
until now i never had a...good point what is this Pandora box...
now...i got my point...
1st-you start by having it
2nd-it falls out of your hand
3rd-you look for it..
4th-you grab it...yeah
5th-it falls again
6th-you give up(i can live without a stupid soap)
7th-you fall
why cuz you stumbled on the the soap...
it was always there...
but you didn't see it..
cuz that's the way things are...
i guess..
Posted by A Walking Disaster at 7:29 PM 0 comments
Feb 13, 2010
there´s only one limit in life...
The limit between happiness and sadness..
And i like to be close of it...
cuz that way its harder to feel sad all of a sudden...
the same for happiness...
Posted by A Walking Disaster at 2:16 PM 0 comments
Feb 12, 2010
Day by Day...
One day im feeling total...
the other im split in two..
my brain runs away,avoiding the thoughts..
The smartness i never asked for!
The same problems roam around sadness,spreading incisive sure..
able to challenge and connect..
right and wrong..
undefined meanings...
my preferences no longer matter..
the cycle pick them up for me..
redefining whats wrong or right..
however i see the evil in front of me...
he will always be ahead...
and i will always kneel to it...
And I will stop fighting..
cuz theres no longer an option...
beside what is in my mind...
the only setback is...
I cant find myself...
how can the evil find me?? ?
Day by Day...
Posted by A Walking Disaster at 6:55 AM 0 comments
Once someone said:
"I dont need something,
that hurts more than nothing."
this is why i truly belive that we dont need anything to be happy...
Just ourselfs...
and a really open mind....
Posted by A Walking Disaster at 3:31 AM 0 comments
Feb 8, 2010
Who?? ? Me?? ?
Who Am I?? ?
well I'm...
but who the hell am I??
i know my name my age i know what i like the most...
who i like the most...
my favourite colour...
my favourite place...
I know all this things but...
even knowing all this details about me,that i ALMOST surely know that I'm the only one that knows it...
(at least i hope so)
do I know who i am?
but do ""I""even exist...
I'm here,i can speak,see,smell,taste,love,feel pain....
everyone can do this how do I know that I'm not just another one...
another lost soul waiting for my turn to switch off...
but thinking like this...
we all are like switchers...
on and off...
dead or alive is not more than that...
we are born to die some day..
so that puts me to think...
who am I....
if I'm like everyone else...
Posted by A Walking Disaster at 1:43 PM 0 comments
Feb 6, 2010
Do we ever feel happy without having what we want?
I dont think so...
Posted by A Walking Disaster at 12:44 PM 1 comments
for Mr "O Perdido"
do you guys know my post "finding emptiness...
actually the ideia isnt all from me...
I have a friend that taught me what means nothing....
andre gil...
on a really cool fun moment he told me his ideia of nothing...
so i have no more thing to say but thank you "bichinho"...
Posted by A Walking Disaster at 6:14 AM 1 comments
Feb 3, 2010
Finding Emptiness..
How can we define emptiness...
supposedly...empty means,nothing...
I'm I right...
but I still don't get it..what is "nothing"
can i eat it...
does nothing even exists..
how do I know that i have nothing...
but wait...the word "have" means that there is something...
what?? ?
i don't know...
but it still is something...
its like if you were looking for an answer in the middle of...
on the emptiness of knowledge...
Posted by A Walking Disaster at 3:01 PM 3 comments
Don´t Be a Fool...
Do you still believe that someone is going to be there for you?! ?
Do you Really believe that something or someone will make things easier for you....
Get real....
Posted by A Walking Disaster at 2:24 PM 1 comments
Feb 2, 2010
I lost My self....
sometimes I'm walking....
on the way to school, going to the doctor, hairdresser, home, a friends house, a damn lonely walk, or even walking just for walk...
i don't understand what I'm seeing..
i look around and i don't see a thing...
people talking with each other..
empty conversations that i cant keep up...
why, i don't know, maybe i don't want to...
i try to open my mind to the things that I'm seeing, but i don't know where is the rupture point of my mind...
the skill of hanging on the lost procreation..
i want to hold back my soul, to avoid the eye contact between me and the emptiness of the sad eyes of destiny...
cuz much as i walk or covet to, i never find a destiny, an arrival point where i should know how to stop....
now I'm on my own...
since my life began i knew it was just me and the way i wanted to go...
well,when i was a child ,i always wanted to go to the moon...
and know that seems the best option cuz that's the only solid way that i know...
and for know...
I'm just walking...
Looking for a way to my inside...
Posted by A Walking Disaster at 2:36 PM 1 comments
What Am I Born to do...
What am I doing in this world...
were i made to walk in this world...
to see the secrets of the hidden sunlight...
the sickness of the dawn...
the perversions of the Innocent looks...
to feel the weight of a smooth and kind look of the unknown child...
i honestly don't get it..
do we have a mission, a miss understood to solve,,
a mystery hidden in our souls ready to be almost solved..
will i ever understand WTF am i doing in this piece of everything that i call world...
place for survivors, no place for the weak walkers...
no ideals ready to be used, no sources of contentment...
and IF I'm born to be a simple human being??
probably right..
what is the human being...
this small taste of some sort of feelings..
i don't know what am i born to do..
i don't even know if it is right to think that i should even do something...
but one thing i know...
We all live cuz We Want to understand, Learn, Try, Create and Customize What We don't See.
Posted by A Walking Disaster at 1:17 PM 3 comments
Yesterday i was drinking my daily coffee and it was tasting so well that i said a slight "hummm..."
Then i started to think____-how many times do I say "hummm..." per day??
Good question....
Well...guess what...i started to count my daily "hummm"...
I actually say around 10 "humm... " per day!! !
Thereafter i realized that pleasure is present in the most simple things of my day....
Like for example...
when i feel the sunlight in my face...
when i see my friends...(at least some of them)
when i feel a slight touch..(hummmm...)
simple things like this you know??
but the best damn thing about this is that when you say a humm...
you don't give it the the value it deserves, it means you don't realize that you are feeling a simple pleasure of life...
not very intelligent but pretty simple...
Posted by A Walking Disaster at 12:49 PM 0 comments
Mrs.officials of the municipal council
My friends I have something really important to tell you.....
the municipal workers suck...
good question...let me have the pleasure of answer to that.....
imagine a glorious moment..more specifically starting a pleasure moment...
##in a bathroom##
And,a stupid municipal worker enter in the same bathroom...ya...that one where u r about to start the glorious moment...
whats next??...
i think you can already imagine whats next...
the glorious moment is interrupted cuz a really sweet municipal worker wanted to clean the god damn bathroom...
so here´s some advice...
if you wanna have a good moment...stay far from municipal workers....
Posted by A Walking Disaster at 11:29 AM 0 comments
Feb 1, 2010
According to my dictionary,perfection is something with no mistakes at all...
perfect is that pretty litle thing that we all want..
Aperfect life...
perfect match....
the perfect sex....
the perfect friend...
A lot of things cude be perfect,But their not...
perfection is not something that you can find or create,you have to open your eyes and think...this is perfection...the power of see things as you want...
The power of your mind,to create and imaginate new things...
to increase that same power,and to say to yourself at the end of the day that you are free to create perfection...for me...
thats perfect!!
Posted by A Walking Disaster at 2:39 PM 1 comments